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Inorganic Chemistry

金沢大学 無機化学研究室

Exploration of Metal Oxide Molecules

Best properties for high tech. materials often come from metal oxides that support modern electronics, magnets, superconductors, optical materials, sensors, batteries, catalysts, and even medicines. Metal oxides are industrial workhorses in our modern life, and it is versatile, and green. If we are looking for the best, we may happen to realize that it is an ultimate choice. For true understanding of the oxides, we need to develop the chemistry, digging it into a molecular level: the chemistry of a metal oxide molecule called polyoxometalates. We are studying such an importat molecule how to manipulate and to be tailored to meet all sorts of technological applications. But first we have to figure out what we need to know before we can figure out how to improve those exciting properties. One thing's for sure: polyoxometalates hold the key. In the rapidly developing field of polyoxometalates, we are studying fundamental chemistry of such molecules, dreaming one day we can manipulate oxide molecules as our will, just like organic chemists do.

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